2024-2025 OFFICERS

Bernard Hatch


720 South Clayton
Ripley, MS  38663

Rebekah Wells

1st Vice President

60286 Hatley Rd.

Amory, MS


Brian Lindsay

2nd Vice President

146 Tiger Drive

P.O. Box 460

Saltillo, MS 38866

 Will Pate

3rd Vice President

P.O. Box 180 

Mooreville, MS 38857

 David Hopple


201 Hwy 15 N.

New Albany, MS 38652

Robin Hill

Financial Officer

146 Tiger Drive

P.O. Box 460

Saltillo, MS 38866



President - Responsible for the NEMBDA High School Honor Band. Selects high school clinician, and tends to their needs.


1st Vice President - Organize the NEMBDA High School Honor Band tryout process held at Tupelo High School held the last Monday in January.


2nd Vice President - Oversees junior high portion of the clinic. Selects junior high clinician, and tends to their needs.


3rd Vice President - Organizes the Junior High chair placement process held at clinic.  Selects judges for junior high chair placements.


Secretary - Coordinates all communications of the association via the NEMBDA board gmail account.  Responsible for student cancellations and substitutions after the audition results are posted.  Responsible for registration set up at clinic. Maintains rosters for both the junior high and high school honor bands. Responsible for director and student name tags at clinic.


Financial Officer - Maintains list of paid members, and all financial transactions for the association.  Collects member dues and student fees. Assists Secretary with registration.






David Hopple - Organizes Solo and Ensemble Festival. Hall of Fame Nominations. Jazz Honor Band.


Chad Hawkins - Maintains the spreadsheet from the high school auditions to assist the Board. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CANCELLATIONS OR SUBSTITUTIONS!


Marshall Dear - Website manager